Thursday, March 31, 2011

Under The Weather

Cold and Flu
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April showers brings May flowers, but when it comes to health it brings the sniffles. It is almost predictable that every change in seasons brings on the flu, the cold, or even dry skin. Students at Long Beach State are no different, except they are more likely to catch a case of senioritis maybe. It has been especially noticeable lately that the change in the climate has made many students feels a bit "under the weather." Students seem a little more willing to sleep of the groggy feeling while waking up than attending classes these days.

"I never get sick, but only if the weather changes," Ryan Peck, a second year English Education major said, "a lot of my friends seem to be the same way too."

The academic life of a college student can be very stressful at times, and having to get sick around finals time is especially draining. Although, outside influences can also be to blame besides the change in weather. As a college student, the time and budget allowed for healthy eating and sleep in minimal, and could be taking a tole on our bodies.

"My health is usually great. I rarely get sick but lately I have been getting sick a lot," Peck continues, "that could be partially because of the change in weather, the virus going around at work or my excessive drinking."

Students who work outside school should clearly practice healthy habits. Many students encounter customers and food service, and with a virus going around it is easy to catch when in contact with people everyday. Peck is one of many who is restaurant server and is exposed to food and customer service for hours on end.

"The people at work have been calling out sick a ton lately. It definitely seems like something is going around and being in contact with my coworkers could be bad, but also because of the weather for sure," Peck said, "The attendance in my classes has really dropped. There are way less people in all my classes this week as opposed to the last couple weeks, and at work a bunch of people are getting sick so they are getting their shifts covered. Everyone has been complaining that it's the weather."

With the many availabilities offered to students at CSULB, the Health Services makes an effort to keep the students healthy and well. The staff is more than willing to help recognize symptoms and offer advice and medication. To gain knowledge on how to treat and prevent "feeling under the weather," the Health Services offers a complete breakdown on Cold and Flu information online.

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